Humanidades digitais e cultura material (escolar)


  • Diana Vidal IEB/FE USP

Palabras clave:

e-história da educação, Fontes, Materialidades


The article addresses the relationship between digital humanities and research in the history of education, taking material culture as a problem. It is structured in three parts. Initially, I approach the recent debates around the structuring concepts of historical knowledge - space and time - considered in its material dimension. In the second section, I focus on the raw material of the historiographical operation – the sources – interrogated from its new materiality. Finally, I trace some reflections on the result of the historiographical operation – writing in the history of educstion – digital environments.


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28-08-2022 — Actualizado el 28-08-2022

Cómo citar

Vidal, D. (2022). Humanidades digitais e cultura material (escolar) . History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 5, e30136. Recuperado a partir de


