Looks at the Historiography of Education from the analysis of the publications of the History of Education Magazine (2016-2019)


  • Sauloeber Tarsio de Souza Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Gercimar Martins Cabral Costa Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Marcos Paulo Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Débora Teodoro da Silva Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


RHE, ASHE, Specialized Journals, History of Education, Historiography of Education


This article aims to cover an analysis of the publications of the Revista História da Educação (RHE), and from there, to dissect the particularities in its themes published in articles published from 2016 to 2019. It is a research of publications that have quantitative and qualitative assumptions, through a bibliographic review, documental analysis and bibliometrics. The work encourages reflection on the historiography of education in Brazil. The article also seeks to highlight the importance of the courses Revista História da Educação and the Sul Rio Grandense Research Association in History of Education for their contribution to the development of the scientific field and for representing the pioneering role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area. Thinking about the methodology, a classification of the articles was carried out, reading of titles, abstracts and keywords, which resulted in the organization of the wide and complex volume of information, even if facing the agility of the work due to the free access to the digital collections of the companies.


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How to Cite

Souza, S. T. de, Costa, G. M. C., Ribeiro, M. P. M., & Silva, D. T. da . (2022). Looks at the Historiography of Education from the analysis of the publications of the History of Education Magazine (2016-2019). History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 5, e27810. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufrn.br/histela/article/view/27810


