Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016): Dance, art of the body, and other bodies of arts

					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016): Dance, art of the body, and other bodies of arts

Co-ordinating Editors: Ana Maria Bulhões (UNIRIO) e Martha Ulhôa (UNIRIO) 
Issue Editors: Beatriz Cerbino (UFF) e Cássia Navas (UNICAMP) 
Issue Editorial Board: Beatriz Cerbino (UFF), Cássia Navas (UNICAMP), Gisela Biancalana (UFSM), Joana Ribeiro (UNIRIO) e Monica Ribeiro (UFMG) 
Additional Section Editors: Eliane Leão, UFG (Research articles - Music); Maria Beatriz de Medeiros, UnB (Research articles – Visual Arts); Sílvia Fernandes, USP (Research articles – Scenic Arts); Sandra Ramalho, UDESC (Graphic Layout), Marc Bogo, UDESC (Text Layout); LabDesign-UDESC (Eletronic Edition, Leandro Rosa da Silva) 
Assistant Editor: Henrique Rochelle Meneghini (PhD student PPG Artes da Cena, Instituto de Artes, UNICAMP)

Published: 18-12-2016