Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Theatre in the expanded field

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Theatre in the expanded field

Invited Editors: Ciane Fernandes,UFBA; José Da Costa, UNIRIO e Stephan Baumgartel, UDESC 
Section Editors: Cássia Navas, UNICAMP; Ana Beatriz Cerbino, UFF; Marta Isaacsson, UFRGS; and Silvia Fernandes, USP (Research Articles for Special Dossier); Eliane Leão, UFG (Research Articles - Music); Maria Beatriz de Medeiros, UnB (Research Articles – Visual Arts); Sandra Ramalho, UDESC (Graphic Layout); Marc Bogo, UDESC (Text Layout); Julia Brustolin and Paula Martins, LabDesign-UDESC (Eletronic Edition) 
Assistant Editor: Claudia Sachs (Post Doctoral Fellow, UFRGS)

Published: 17-05-2016


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