Anglo-americanism and industrialism in the beginning of the brazilian republic: Roberto Cocrhane Simonsen (1889-1948) and modern labor





Roberto Simonsen, Anglo-Americanism, Industrialism, Work, Industrial Education


The article is about the presence of Anglo-Americanism in the Brazilian business culture and the focus is on the engineer, intellectual and industrialist Roberto Cocrhane Simonsen, active in the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the approach is to highlight Simonsen's repertoire of arguments as an organic intellectual of industrialism in his effort to spread the scientific management of production and work and to make Brazil follow Anglo-American paths. The empirical reference is in statements or reports made by Simonsen and published in 1919. The results indicate that Simonsen was an Americanophile and was important in the (re)formation of the new man for urban and mass industrialism in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, J. G. (2021). Anglo-americanism and industrialism in the beginning of the brazilian republic: Roberto Cocrhane Simonsen (1889-1948) and modern labor. History of Education in Latin America - HistELA, 4, e26851.


